June 1 The weather is very fine this morning. Our fleet runs very slow. 7 am we are in sight of a lighthouse at Cape St. Blas. We landed at Apalachicola at 4 pm & went in quarters. June 2 Apalachicola [Florida] We fixed up bunks this am & this afternoon I went fishing. Caught 8 fish. Co. B is elected to de provo [perhaps meant the company would serve as the provost marshal or police] guard in town. June 3 I am fatigue duty this afternoon with a squad of 20 men. Peter was detailed today to help work the artillery. [Fatigue duty – any duty assigned to enlisted men that could be construed as necessary to camp life. Source: http://civilwartalk.com/threads/fatigue-duty.19870/ June 4 We had Sunday morning inspection this morning and religious service in M. E. (Methodist Episcopal) church at 10:30 o’clock. June 5 Beckwith & myself went fishing early this morning. Bought 4 catfish. The Steamer Shamrock came down the Apalachicola River loaded with cotton. June 6 The weather is very warm today. We are quartered in an old storehouse. Have it very nice June 7 I signed my clothing bill today. I have [drawn] this year to the amount of $40.70 [$598.53 in 2015 dollars]. June 8 We commenced drill today. Have company drill three hours per day & dress parade. [Drill: to practice marching, military formations and the steps in firing and handling one’s weapon; source: http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/glossary/glossary.html#D] June 9 The officers of the 161st went to Turtle Island today on a hunting expedition. The Steamer Shamrock brought down another load of cotton today. June 10 We are in camp today cleaning up for Sunday inspection. Tom Riley of Co. G. stabbed ? of Co. H. in the neck. I mailed a letter for Adrian [probably Adrian Onderdonk, husband of Charles’ sister Elizabeth]. [Thomas Riley, age 23, enlisted September 1862 at Corning to serve 3 years; mustered in as private, Co. G, October 1862; captured in action, April 8, 1864, at Sabine Cross Roads, LA; paroled and returned, October 23, 1864; discharged with detachment, October 23, 1865 at Elmira, NY; source: https://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/rosters/Infantry/161st_Infantry_CW_Roster.pdf] June 11 The Officers returned this morning with a large quantity of fish about 1½ bushels of turtle eggs and one turtle weight 250 lbs. I am on picket. June 12 The Darkeys relieved us from picket this morning. Newell & me went fishing & caught 7 fish. June 13 Sgt. Benj. L. Smith has Command of Co. B. today. Capt. Clark and D. Ellison is sick. Ellison is going home. Went fishing caught 6 - 8 lbs. [Benjamin L. Smith, age 23, enlisted August 1862 at Reading, to serve 3 years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. B, September 1862; mustered out with company at Fort Jefferson, FL, William H. Clark, age 21, enrolled August 1862 at Elmira to serve 3 years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. B, September 6, 1862; as captain, November 1863; mustered out with company, September 20, 1865 at Fort Jefferson, FL. David Ellison, age 25, enrolled August 1862 at Elmira to serve 3 years; mustered in as first sergeant, Co. B, September 1862; discharged July 26, 1865 at Barracks Hospital, New Orleans, LA. Source: https://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/rosters/Infantry/161st_Infantry_CW_Roster.pdf] June 14 I am on camp guard today. Have 6 men on a relief. June 15 In camp today & wrote letter to Hattie. The Steamer Tamico [?] left here for Pensacola, FL. June 16 In camp nothing going on but our usual camp duty. June 17 I went fishing again caught 15 fish. Gave Peter & Ebenezer part of them. June 18 In camp had inspection this morning. The N.P. Banks arrived from N.O. [New Orleans] with a small mail. We had a fine shower this pm. Had a choir this evening. June 19 Steamer Gen. Banks arrived at [Apalachicola] today with the mail. I received 2 letters one from father & one from Adrian with George & W [?] cards. June 20 I am on guard at the Port Hospital today. One Darkey died in spite of the guards around. June 21 Was duly relieved this morning. Stayed in camp nearly all day. June 22 Chass Lattin & I went fishing this morning caught 19 catfish. There was 4 boats came down the river today loaded with cotton. [Charles Lattin, age 19, enlisted August 1862 at Elmira, to serve 3 years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 1862; mustered out with company, September 20, 1865, at Fort Jefferson, FL; source: https://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/rosters/Infantry/161st_Infantry_CW_Roster.pdf] June 23 I am on guard today at the hospital & wrote a letter to father. June 24 The Gen. Banks left again for New Orleans. Mr. Anderson of Company F died today. [Albert O. Anderson, age 35, enlisted August 21, 1862 at Howard, NY to serve 3 years; mustered in as private, Co. F. September 19, 1862; died of acute diarrhea, June 24, 1865, at Apalachicola, FL; source: page 745, https://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/rosters/Infantry/161st_Infantry_CW_Roster.pdf]. June 25 On duty again today. June 26 Relieved at guard ? this morning and went fishing. Caught 28 fish. June 27 Went to the Surgeon this morning [and] was excused from duty on account of sore hand caused by a catfish horn pricking it. June 28
In camp today. No duty to do except 15 minutes drill and dress parade. June 29 I went fishing this morning. They sent guards captured my whole fleet & put us under arrest. But released us in half hour. Steamer Jackson burned today. June 30 On camp guard today. Miller Co. C was put in guardhouse for stealing on the boat. The Regiment mustered for 2 months pay. [Henry Miller, age 18, enlisted August 1982, to serve 3 years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 1862; mustered out with company, September 20, 1865 at Fort Jefferson, FL; source: https://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/rosters/Infantry/161st_Infantry_CW_Roster.pdf ]