Charles McElroy's New Year's Eve Diary
There are twelve New Year's Eve diary entries written by Charles McElroy in the back of this 1897 bible.
<1905 to 1909 to be transcribed>
Dec 31 - 1910, 11:10pm
Again by the Grace of God I am sitting on the <?> where I have sit on this date for the past five years. The years seem to have slipped away. Like a shadow last year while writing here. Our poor Boy <Alonzo, their first born> was struggling with coughing spell. Now he Rests quietly in the grave - and the good Lord only knows how soon we shall follow him. But putting our trust in the Lord we will go forth into the New Year with <?> and faith and Energy. Believe in Him that <?> all things will. And my prayer shall be God protect us and have mercy upon us.
Chas. McElroy 11:31pm
December 31, 1911 10:30pm
Through the mercy of God I am still here in my usual seat in my bed chamber, in good health with my family about as usual. What better Riches can I ask - shall soon pass into the New Year of our Lord 1912, and may the Lord be with us all. And lead us into a more Holier Life than ever before, and keep us ever with him till the end shall come, and then take us Home.
C. McElroy
Dec 31, 1912 10:40 p.m.
It seems that providence has ruled that I should occupy this identical spot in my sleeping room about this hour at the close of each year since and including 1905.
This has been a year much like all the others, full of cares, anxieties, joys and sorrows, but thank the good Lord we are here in health and have a pleasant and happy home and are looking forward with faith when we, through the mercy of God, will have a home with Him Eternally where no sorrow abounds.
C. McElroy
Dec 31, 1913 10:40 p.m.
Another year has passed and gone and leaves me here in the same place where I have sat at the close of each year since 1905. The past year has told hard on me as to health as well as in business but no doubt I have had all I deserve and I shall trust in God and pray on.
Dec 31, 1914 11:05 p.m.
Another year has passed and gone and yet I sit in my same old place in my room as in years passed.
1914 has been a wonderful year. The world seems to have gone wrong. Trouble in Mexico seemed enough but the first we knew nearly all Europe was in War which affects the whole world and creates untold misery.
But God is just and righteous and if we put our trust in Him, He will certainly right all wrongs in the end.
Chas. McElroy
Dec 31, 1915 10:15 p.m.
Here in my usual seat. Finished rebuilding Gregory & Sherman's Lumber Shed. Another year forever gone. Am I any better before my God than a year ago? May he make me better from day to day is my prayer.
Chas. McElroy
Dec 31, 1916 9:00 p.m.
Another year has gone and [to]night I am seated comfortably in my new quarters (our library). Mr. & Mrs. Dean visited us this p.m. What better can I do to continue my prayer of last year that God will make me better from day to day.
Thus ends what I have found of Charles McElroy's New Year's Eve diary. I wonder if he ever wrote an entry for Dec 31, 1917? He passed away on 18 Nov 1918.
Dec 31 - 1910, 11:10pm
Again by the Grace of God I am sitting on the <?> where I have sit on this date for the past five years. The years seem to have slipped away. Like a shadow last year while writing here. Our poor Boy <Alonzo, their first born> was struggling with coughing spell. Now he Rests quietly in the grave - and the good Lord only knows how soon we shall follow him. But putting our trust in the Lord we will go forth into the New Year with <?> and faith and Energy. Believe in Him that <?> all things will. And my prayer shall be God protect us and have mercy upon us.
Chas. McElroy 11:31pm
December 31, 1911 10:30pm
Through the mercy of God I am still here in my usual seat in my bed chamber, in good health with my family about as usual. What better Riches can I ask - shall soon pass into the New Year of our Lord 1912, and may the Lord be with us all. And lead us into a more Holier Life than ever before, and keep us ever with him till the end shall come, and then take us Home.
C. McElroy
Dec 31, 1912 10:40 p.m.
It seems that providence has ruled that I should occupy this identical spot in my sleeping room about this hour at the close of each year since and including 1905.
This has been a year much like all the others, full of cares, anxieties, joys and sorrows, but thank the good Lord we are here in health and have a pleasant and happy home and are looking forward with faith when we, through the mercy of God, will have a home with Him Eternally where no sorrow abounds.
C. McElroy
Dec 31, 1913 10:40 p.m.
Another year has passed and gone and leaves me here in the same place where I have sat at the close of each year since 1905. The past year has told hard on me as to health as well as in business but no doubt I have had all I deserve and I shall trust in God and pray on.
Dec 31, 1914 11:05 p.m.
Another year has passed and gone and yet I sit in my same old place in my room as in years passed.
1914 has been a wonderful year. The world seems to have gone wrong. Trouble in Mexico seemed enough but the first we knew nearly all Europe was in War which affects the whole world and creates untold misery.
But God is just and righteous and if we put our trust in Him, He will certainly right all wrongs in the end.
Chas. McElroy
Dec 31, 1915 10:15 p.m.
Here in my usual seat. Finished rebuilding Gregory & Sherman's Lumber Shed. Another year forever gone. Am I any better before my God than a year ago? May he make me better from day to day is my prayer.
Chas. McElroy
Dec 31, 1916 9:00 p.m.
Another year has gone and [to]night I am seated comfortably in my new quarters (our library). Mr. & Mrs. Dean visited us this p.m. What better can I do to continue my prayer of last year that God will make me better from day to day.
Thus ends what I have found of Charles McElroy's New Year's Eve diary. I wonder if he ever wrote an entry for Dec 31, 1917? He passed away on 18 Nov 1918.