April 1 George Losy [Lodey] Returned to our company this morn, he was taken prisoner instead [of] Deserting as we supposed he had. [George F. Lodey, also listed as ‘Losey’, mustered in as a private with Co. B on 9 Sep 1862, He was captured while on picket at Baton Rouge on 20 Jan 1863, and paroled on 9 Mar 1863. He mustered out with his detachment on 20 Sep 1865 at Fort Jefferson, Florida. Source: http://ancestry.com.] April 2 There is No excitement in camp whatever today more than usual Business. April 3 I went on picket this morning & was posted in the wood where the timber had been fallen so that Nothing could get to us. April 4 After I Returned to camp this morning I learned that the Rebs had killed two of our pickets & wounded two last night. April 5 Capt H. B. Brown was Brought Back to BR [Baton Rouge] and put under guard. [Horace B. Brown enrolled at Elmira NY on 28 Aug 1863; he mustered in as a Captain with Company B, 161st NY Infantry; he was dismissed from the Army on 4 Nov 1863. He received a Dishonorable Discharge by order of the President. Source: http://fold3.com.] April 6 161st Regt. is on fatigue Duty today at [the] falling timbers. We caught two coons & one Rabbit. April 7 One man from a Mass Regt. [Massachusetts Regiment] shot himself this morning to get Rid of Soldiering. Capt. Brown was taken to jail under guard. April 8 161st & 2nd LA [light artillery] Regts. was inspected today by Captain Cutting acting inspecting general. April 9 There is Not much stir in camp today- everything goes off nice. April 10 I am on picket today. We have a very pleasant Post on a raise of ground Near a Bayou, but the Mosquitoes [are] very troublesome. April 11 There has been quite some firing on picket on the Clinton & P.H. (Port Hudson) Roads, but it did not amount to much. April 12 We had Sunday inspection as usual & a Number prisoners was Brought from the prison and their sentence was Read to them in the presence of the Brigade. April 13 Not feeling very well & went to the Surgeon & got excused from Duty about noon to the gen U.S. Hospital & visited Lieut G R White. [George R. White, enlisted on 28 Aug 1862 in Elmira; he mustered in as a 1st Lieutenant on 27 Oct 1862; he was discharged from the Army for disability on 23 July 1863 by order of Gen. Banks. Sources: http://fold3.com & http://ancestry.com.] April 14 We learn today that Gen Banks has freed 2000 prisoners along the Bayou Tashe [Tache] & destroyed the Rebel gunboats. I am excused from Duty today. April 15 Co. B. is practicing target Shooting. But am unable to be with them. April 16 I am excused from Duty again today. This appears to be a very unpleasant Day for me. April 17 Charles Kress shot himself through the arm last night while on picket. He will be a cripple for life without Doubt. [Charles Kress was a Private in Co. B. He was later Honorably Discharged for Disability on 15 Jun 1864 in Elmira, New York. Source: J.W. Merwin, Roster and Monograph, 161st Reg't, N.Y.S. Volunteer Infantry. (Elmira, NY: Gazette Print, 1902), p.25.] April 18 Co. B went out and practiced one hour shooting at target. That is the Drill we have today. April 19 This is a rainy Day & not much going on in camp. I am under the Surgeon's care yet. April 20 I feel very ill this morning. We learn today that we are to be payed soon. April 21 161st Regt. was Detailed for fatigue Duty today. They are felling timber to prevent the Rebs from surprising us. April 22 The 50th Mass Regt. is receiving their pay today. April 23 Our Regt. is on Fatigue again today. Throwing up Rifle pits. Jas. [James] Heavens arrived to our Company today from Elmira, NY. April 24 I am Returned to Duty and am Detailed for Corp. of Comp Guard. The 174th Regiment got payed off today. April 25 Col. Dudley went to New Orleans to attend a Military Ball. While he is away, our Brigade will have easy (?) times. We have no Drill today. April 26 We had the company inspection at seven o'clock this morning, guard mounting at 8 & Religious worship at 10A.M. Cooper and me went to the catholic Church. April 27 Co. B is fatigue again today and am in camp at my liberty. We signed the payrolls today, get paid tomorrow. April 28
I am on Picket today. The Rebel pickets are in sight of our ??? Saw a man trying to get through our lines. Fired at him and he skulked off in the ??? Our Regt. is getting paid today. April 29 I Returned from picket this morning and received $30.35. Sent $15 to wife. Paid Tuttle? $10. The weather is extremely hot. April 30 This is a day set apart for fasting and prayer. There's fasting here but not much prayer. Dudley returns from N. Orleans muster for pay.
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